Friday, December 17, 2010

Website of a poetry, shaksphere, etc.

 This is what I chose beacuse I thought it's very emotional, and it actually happens, some people just mess up most of the time, and don't know what to do, until the last moment... That's why.

Now that you're gone,
It's too dark at night.
It's constantly cold.
And nothing seems right.

Now that you're gone
It hurts to be alone.
I can't stand it here without you
Afraid and on my own.

Now that you're gone
My world means naught,
I'm sorry for what I said,
And all the times we fought.

Now that you're gone,
I can't seem to find my smile.
I didn't think I'd lose it yet,
At least not for a while

Now that you're gone,
I can't help but yearn
For the love that we had
And the day that you'll return

Now that you're gone
And have left me behind
I'm loosing my focus
And have already lost my mind.

Now that you're gone
Nothing else will matter
Each day I'm without you
My heart won't cease to shatter

Now that you're gone
All it does is rain,
The heavens seems to weep,
As if they feel my pain.

Now that you're gone
I just want to cry,
Because I curse that night you left,
When we had to say good-bye.

Now that you're gone
I only want one wish,
For you to come back
And give me just one kiss

Monday, November 15, 2010

Which one?(modern classic or modern)

Modern or modern classic

 Well you know in my opinion people in this era people would want a story without superpowers, but adventure for exampele: a hero-someone that takes a stand and won't back down because of what they feel is right. That character (hero) might be someone who you know, but in the end changed the most and made a difference for others, saying this person could be you. Just takes someones who is willing and ready to do to others regularly wouldn't.
Now, if I were to choose which the best path everybody would be willing to open up to- would be modern, we've had enough old and wishing we could be this super hero's who had these super powers, we are not accepting ourselves and what we are capable without them. If could relate to something that could give us the idea of a power, that we ourselves could reach without having to inject some chemical or weapon. Yes we would do it, it's probable and we could do it.
Modern classic something that is rarely to happen, or something supernatural, could be a possibility. The thing about modern classic though is it rarely happens, we want some catastrophe that could more likely happen then once then a blue moon.
The idea of that sounds, ridiculous, but in the end everybody finds that exciting, like take fire for example. It's real; it's likely to happen more dangerous than a robbery, or rape, or kidnappers. People get more serious about fires, you don't really kid about them. Rape or sexual harrasment people joke around it everyday, notice now- you have to say fire to get help, because to many people use rape to embarrase or joke around. This is exactly my point, It's needs to be something that anybody, but almost nobody would go out of there way to actually do.

This myself I believe would be something to snag everybody in, there so many options like will he kill him, save him for later and make his wife watch, some biological ingenious plan to act like he gives up, or he's not going to and when later in time, when nobody expects it he kills him, and he would never know- like I said, so many possibilities and you know, how you would feel in this sort of situation and how you would handle it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two supernatural power foes. =E

Magicians vs. Super Computer (android/ a.i.)

Seeing as both use magic to survive, and both require a high-leveled of power, strength, and wit. Well for the magican anyway. Also the magician would have to be a high-level magi in order to take on a High advanced computer storage data entity...(android). The magi would most likely want to stay out the robots way.
Short combat is not an option,
well depends on the (magician). Their are simply 2 types of mages. Combat Mage: mostly close, has enchanted weapons, and short range fighting. The Combat Mage depends mostly on his/her power that the enemy is taking. Or...  Traditional Mage: Powered by the Will unlike the Combat Mage, depending mostly ssummoning,enchanting, and casting spells. But that's only for starters, when you get really good and experienced, you can't tell the difference.

The (Android/a.i.)
This entity is specializes in technology, strengh, pain resistance, signals and sounds from the unseen eye. You cannot outsmart this organism, but it has it's weakpoints: water. The a.i. is also unable, at any time to detect any supernatural beings such as ghosts, and magic does not exist in their data stream..
 The a.i. relies mostly on reason and logic, but when you think about it; the android itself is beyond reason and logic, so who wins..?

The magician does... Sorry to say to the android, but the magician is mostly likely win... The magi does lack the neccessary data information to out think the a.i., but the magi does not contain any outstanding weaknesses to breakdown, or die. e.g. vampire, werewolf, or robot.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Top 3

Choosing the top 3 things I think is the best in the world. I would think it would be easier to choose something I enjoy and can relate to, that's the best, something to connect with.

1st) Illustrator: manga is something I really enjoy and think is the best. So the best auther from manga I read to all manga readers out there would be Ken Akamatsu. For several reasons, Ken Akamatsu is an auther who reaches to pretty much all ages, not just teens so he keeps it like PG 13 so also preteens can enjoy his stories. The style in pictures and characters he draws them is very modern and must have a good story, not just good looking pics. Amazing anime good job Ken. :)

2nd) Art School: The best art school I believe right now at my time and age, Emily Carr University of Art is the best art school in British Columbia. I've never been to yet, but I believe it is the best possibility of getting somewhere.

3rd) Videogames: The current game of the year is Halo Reach, when it first came out, there were 15 preorders in like 10 mins at the mall in EB Games. Well when people first heard about it. And it was, the best game of the year, graphics were awsome, you can be a girl or guy, voice changes, story is awsome. Because its a prequeal of the first halo. Halo was not boring it also brought back the old things the newer ones didn't have, inviting new ones, new characters. Halo Reach is the best game of the year, so far...  ^_^

Monday, October 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasures eng 11

Some guilty pleasure that was childish about me, was I used to play with toys and pretend a lot like in a imaginary world only me or my friend could be in warriors or ninjas it was cool. When i turned 5 I also liked to climb trees half the time I got stuck and I had one my older brothers or sisters to help down, I still do that sometimes lol. I also was really upset about myself that I couldn't grow up, mature when I wanted, but when I quit doing all that stuff, and moved on to something more teenager-like I noticed I lost my creativity, and at the time it's something i loved to do, with all these ideas of how to put things together. Now that I do that I miss that, being a child liking that and having fun, being in my own world. It's being left out now that I think about it. I really don't care anymore what people think, it was me and I was having fun me and my friends playing toys. I was doing all these weird things, it was fun and as long it's not someone I really admire or support, then it's just embarrassing  playing with toys is something i just got over. For example Lego. Bionicles, I loved them, just last year everyone made fun of me because they told me I haven't grown up yet, that I still play with toys but instead I should work and get money. Like you know it's not really something I was ashamed of, not growing up. In I think 4-5 days from now it's going to be my birthday and I'll be 17 years old, that's how long I've played with toys 16 years of my life, oh well it was something that made me happy ^_^.  Even now, I wish still had that guilty pleasure, that made me feel like I was invincible and amazing. It's the world does that to you so does age, limiting you from your awesome personality and creativity. The world gives realism and law to your mind, killing the cells that make you awesome, apparently guilty.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

english 11 Change the history or help change the world

If I were able to go into any time period I wanted to at any time, when ever i wanted, and to change the coarse of the future, i would go to right before the contact between the natives and the whites, and either tell the hard way, that they can't have our land, or share it, because i know english, and i think part of my own language still they'll know i'm blood, they would have to, i look like them, i have their genes. but ya just before the contact and warn everybody, so we wouldn't have to go through all the residential schools that hurt our people and lost our language, and that way we would learn to take a stand for whats important to us.