Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two supernatural power foes. =E

Magicians vs. Super Computer (android/ a.i.)

Seeing as both use magic to survive, and both require a high-leveled of power, strength, and wit. Well for the magican anyway. Also the magician would have to be a high-level magi in order to take on a High advanced computer storage data entity...(android). The magi would most likely want to stay out the robots way.
Short combat is not an option,
well depends on the (magician). Their are simply 2 types of mages. Combat Mage: mostly close, has enchanted weapons, and short range fighting. The Combat Mage depends mostly on his/her power that the enemy is taking. Or...  Traditional Mage: Powered by the Will unlike the Combat Mage, depending mostly ssummoning,enchanting, and casting spells. But that's only for starters, when you get really good and experienced, you can't tell the difference.

The (Android/a.i.)
This entity is specializes in technology, strengh, pain resistance, signals and sounds from the unseen eye. You cannot outsmart this organism, but it has it's weakpoints: water. The a.i. is also unable, at any time to detect any supernatural beings such as ghosts, and magic does not exist in their data stream..
 The a.i. relies mostly on reason and logic, but when you think about it; the android itself is beyond reason and logic, so who wins..?

The magician does... Sorry to say to the android, but the magician is mostly likely win... The magi does lack the neccessary data information to out think the a.i., but the magi does not contain any outstanding weaknesses to breakdown, or die. e.g. vampire, werewolf, or robot.

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